Steve Fitzpatrick was installed as President. Incoming officers are John Di Benedetto, vice-president; Jack Kessler, secretary; Craig Pollen, treasurer and Bob MacFarland, sergeant at arms. Incoming directors are Chris Heaven, Harry Hoffman, Chuck Huntoon, Beth Kenas, Jack Kessler, Dolly Kuykendall, Pat Stanton, Ted Walkenhorst, John Washington and Buzz Wilson.
Firtzpatrick thanked Bob Firth, past President, for his service and all the members for the outstanding year the Club had noting that in 2013 Jenkintown Rotary Club helped people in need in our community as well as around the world. The Club programs were very successful and included literacy programs, the Widener School Holiday Party, the annual Pancake Breakfast and, for the second year, Ride for a Reason which was co-sponsored with Abington YMCA.
During the dinner the Club honored the memories of two Rotarians, Jay Ely and Bob Lloyd. The club paid tribute to both Rotarians for the tremendous contributions both men made to club while they were members. Sadly, the club suffered the loss of both men during 2013. Bob Firth, outgoing Club President , and Pat Stanton, Rotary Board Member, made a special presentation to Bob Lloyds family. Lloyd died suddenly in April and Stanton in his remarks noted Lloyd’s goodness, generosity and commitment to serving others.
Entertainment at the installation program was provided by Jenkintown Music Theatre cast members who performed excerpts from their recent performance of “Hello Dolly!” The performance was narrated by Dolly Kuykendall, Jenkintown Music Theatre Director and Rotary member.
Jenkintown Rotary Club meets for lunch on Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. in Muyskens Hall at Grace Presbyterian Church in Jenkintown.